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Differentiated Instruction- Tailored to Your Child's Unique Needs

My experience has basically been my whole life as a person who is drawn to people who strive to learn, yet find it difficult. In my over 15 years as a Preschool Teacher of Disabilities, I have found something unique, beautiful, and worthy of EVERY child I have taught. I believe everyone has strengths and that it is my job to utilize those strengths to help the student achieve everything they are capable of achieving. I have taught Special education for over 15 years in a local public school ...


special needs

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


In my 15+ years of experience teaching, I have personally witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of students with ASD. That being said, I have always related the fact to my parents, that I do not teach autism, I teach your child. Every student is unique and their education should be as well. I have earned graduate level certification in Applied Behavior Analysis and I am well versed in DTT.